How I REBOOT My Gut and Kill Parasites



“I live in America. I don’t have parasites.” 

How would I get parasites? 

Unfortunately, we all have parasites.

From the tiny “bad” bacteria in our gut microbiome to liver flukes and intestinal worms… every human being has them to one extent or another.

And honestly, from the research I’ve seen and all the things I’ve read… parasites may be responsible for virtually all of the health problems we experience.



Grinding your teeth?


Depression or Anxiety


Anger Issues? 


Brain Fog? 






The dreaded “C” word? 

There’s evidence even this is a parasite issue. 

Unfortunately we all have parasites. We can’t hide from it. So let’s face it and deal with it.

Questions? Text “Bad bugs” to ‪(802) 227-7051‬

And what about Covid-19? Interestingly, the drugs that have been found most effective in preventing and combatting Covid-19 are anti-parasitic drugs….

Based on all of the research coming out over the last decade, the health and balance of our gut microbiome is everything.

Our guts (and the health of our guts) determine the overall health of our bodies and our minds.

It is even said that 85-95% of our immune system resides… in our guts.

This has been backed up by the research I’ve seen coming out every day about healing the gut. By improving gut health you can…

Tackle parasites head-on and you won’t regret it.

…and more.

The health of our gut microbiome is the root of everything.

One doctor I follow said “Heal your gut and your gut will heal you.


So what’s the deal with parasites and how do they tie into gut health?

Since parasites are generally defined as any organism in our body that harms us (they eat our food and secrete toxins into our bloodstream) they come in all shapes and sizes, and can get into our bodies in a variety of ways: through the skin, through food or water, or from contact with animals or other people.

Questions? Text “Bad bugs” to ‪(802) 227-7051‬

The parasites inside of us aren’t this cute…

Parasites thrive off of the food we eat and give us nothing beneficial in return. They can starve us of nutrients (causing nutrient deficiencies of all kinds) and poison us from within. They can get into our organs and under our skin and even into our brain, and eventually they can kill us.

Parasites and poor gut health go hand in hand, because parasites thrive in an unhealthy body.

For this reason, improving gut health will automatically make us less susceptible to parasite infestation. Another great reason to improve gut health!

How do I know if I have parasites?

While we all have parasites, everyone has different ones, and to a different degree. If you have any of the following symptoms, there is a very good chance you have parasites and should deal with them to resolve these issues (and to prevent more problems):

  • Constipation
  • Skin rashes or itchy skin
  • Brain fog
  • Teeth clenching or grinding at night (resulting in tension headaches)
  • Bloating and/or gas
  • Digestive problems
  • Stomach pain
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Chronic nausea
  • Other unexplained issues or problems

If I want to heal my gut do I need to kill parasites first?

Killing parasites can be a tricky business.

First of all, parasites are really good at hiding and avoiding our attempts to kill them. They can hide a lot of places: first of all our intestines, but they can really go anywhere in our bodies.

Second, when you take drugs or herbs to kill parasites, they get very angry. When they are being attacked they start spewing poison into our bodies, which makes us want to stop what we are doing. This is called a Herxheimer reaction, and can range from congestion to severe flu-like symptoms to (very rarely and only in very extreme cases) death. I’m not trying to scare you, but it’s important to understand the worst that could happen and learn how to prepare properly for a parasite cleanse.

Third, even if you kill parasites and eliminate them first, it’s important to improve gut health at the same time or directly afterwards, because good gut balance and health creates an inhospitable environment for parasites and bad bacteria. That will not only prevent future parasites from growing, it will help expel any current parasites that your cleanse doesn’t fully remove.

Questions? Text “Bad bugs” to ‪(802) 227-7051‬

Good bacteria (unlike parasites), eat the things we don’t eat (fiber) and secrete beneficial substances like vitamins, enzymes and nutrients that our bodies can use. The more of these “good guys” we have, the healthier we are, and the fewer parasites can survive in our bodies.

How do I kill parasites safely?

In my opinion, the safest way to kill parasites is to take a pro-active approach: improve gut health by making better dietary choices and finding a great gut healing protocol.

Want to get to the ROOT of your issues?

You probably already know I am not a fan of meds because of all of their short- and long-term adverse effects. But even herbal parasite cleanses (which are very effective) can make people very sick because of how parasites react when they are being targeted.

Gut healing, in contrast, is a more passive approach. It’s gentler and safer. It’s generally safe even when pregnant or breastfeeding (and for small children) because it’s so gentle.

When you add in good bacteria it changes the environment of the microbiome. The pH improves and the good bacteria start crowding out the bad. This weakens parasites and they can be more naturally flushed from the body. They don’t usually release toxins because they aren’t being attacked. They just become weaker and let go of the intestinal walls and leave the body.

The quickest way to kill parasites is not necessarily the best way. The quickest way is probably to kill them with herbs or meds… But the BEST way is to balance your gut microbiome so that it is sustainable and lasts.
If you kill parasites/candida you will feel better… until they grow back.
if you balance the gut microbiome they can’t grow back because you have targeted the root and grown an army of “good guys” that will fend off overgrowth of any parasite, mold, fungus or yeast in the future.

Questions? Text “Bad bugs” to ‪(802) 227-7051‬

Starting with gut healing is an effective approach because improving gut health has to happen anyway: even if you kill parasites and do a cleanse, you still need to improve gut health to ensure they don’t come back.

Read inspiring stories of real healing–from people I know personally! 

(Skip ahead to how to eliminate parasites more gently and safely)

Anti-Parasitic Herbs

Herbs like wormwood, black walnut, cloves, pumpkin seed, garlic, and oregano oil are very effective anti-parasitics.

If you decide to use one of these (either in drops or capsules) just be sure to start slow if you’ve never done a parasite cleanse or have reason to believe you have a severe infestation.

Diatomaceous Earth
Diatomaceous Earth powder is very fine: do not inhale!

Another way to kill parasites is diatomaceous earth. Diatomaceous earth is (from Wikipedia), “a naturally occurring, soft, siliceous sedimentary rock that is easily crumbled into a fine white to off-white powder.”

The benefits of diatomaceous earth is that it’s cheap and safe to consume (but don’t breathe it!).

The particles are sharp and they have a scrubbing/cutting action as they pass through the digestive tract. This cuts parasitic worms, which can make them angry and cause die off reactions. Diatomaceous earth is also very good for scrubbing the digestive tract of mucus, so it’s a good idea to take it on occasion to keep things clean as well (don’t worry; it doesn’t hurt at all and it’s beneficial to our intestines).

Castor Oil

The third method I have used to directly kill and eliminate parasites (and it’s probably my favorite) is frozen castor oil capsules. I like it because it’s easy, cheap, effective and there are no side effects.

Castor oil is a traditional parasite cleansing agent. It’s very effective, but when taken as it was traditionally done (swallow the oil on a spoon) it is unpleasant for several reasons. It tastes terrible and you have to stay very close to the bathroom for at least a couple hours.

Watch as I talk about how I do my frozen castor oil parasite cleanse. 

What I do instead is a frozen castor oil parasite cleanse. There are no side effects or die off reactions, and I like it because it targets a specific hard-to-reach parasite that hides in the small intestines.

Questions? Text “Bad bugs” to ‪(802) 227-7051‬

These parasites live in the mouth of the small intestine, just behind a valve where the stomach empties food into the small intestines. Because of this hiding place these parasites are often able to avoid other methods used to kill them, so they can be tricky to eliminate.

First you need to get castor oil gelcaps. These are very inexpensive for a big bottle.

Next you freeze them. Empty the capsules into a Ziploc bag and put it in the bottom/back of the freezer where it stays coldest. You will need to freeze them for at least 1-2 weeks. You can see they are ready when they look white and translucent.

Now wait for the next full moon (a google search can give you the next full moon). The reason I wait for a full moon is because it is the time when parasites are most active and when they lay eggs. They tend to detach from the intestinal walls during this time so it’s easier to flush them from the body as well. This ensures you kill the most parasites possible.

I have developed a 3 step parasite protocol that will take you from pre-cleanse (opening detox pathways to minimize die off symptoms–step 1) to eliminating parasites (step 2) to making sure they don’t grow right back (step 3).

For step-by-step instructions on exactly what to do for your very first cleanse (effectively, gently & safely), click here.

If you would like support and guidance, or just camaraderie, while you go through this process. please come join the Facebook group where we learn & heal together! All are welcome, so feel free to invite family and friends.

Now What?

After killing parasites (or even if you decide not to directly kill them), improving gut health is key.

Gut health is the root of everything: the gut microbiome produces and regulates hormones, controls how well we absorb nutrients, keeps us regular, helps keep digestion smooth, keeps us at a healthy weight, keeps our organs and blood pressure healthy, regulates adrenals, produces and sends neurotransmitters to the brain so we can sleep well, feel good, be happy and productive… and our gut is almost all of our immune system.

So is gut health important? You decide.

I’ve tried a lot of gut health products and probiotics (most of which did nothing for me), and I finally landed on a protocol I love.

It’s whole food based, fully methylated, nothing synthetic or GMO, no sugar and it actually WORKS. For a lot of people I know, including me.

There are probiotics everywhere these days, all at different price points. But no matter how much or how little I pay, to me it’s a waste of money if it doesn’t work. And most of them I tried didn’t work.

Questions? Text “Bad bugs” to ‪(802) 227-7051‬

I prioritize getting something that will help me over saving money. And besides, I was buying supplements anyway, so this just replaced those and I’m not spending more money.

This is the protocol I like, and it works for almost everyone who tries it (they also offer a one year money back guarantee, so there is no risk to see if it works for you!).

The other great thing about this protocol is the first order comes with a free ReBoot, which sets you up for success. It’s a 3 day protocol you do before starting the gut healing protocol. A modified vegetarian, no grain diet for 3 days while you take the liver-supporting herbs in the ReBoot packet. This “resets” your gut and makes the gut healing protocol even more effective.

So what are you waiting for? Don’t suffer any longer.

Questions? Text “Bad bugs” to ‪(802) 227-7051‬

Resources for Further Study

Step-by-step instructions for your very first parasite cleanse, start to finish

Come Join the Facebook Group where we Learn & Heal Together!

Why 3 Steps?

Heal Your Gut and Your Gut Will Heal You: How Gut Health is the Root of Everything

The Gut-Brain Axis: How Healing the Gut Can Heal the Mind

Where to Start: How Do I Heal My Gut? 

The Gut Healing Protocol I use

Real True Stories of Healing from the Root




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13 Replies to “How I REBOOT My Gut and Kill Parasites”

  1. Great information and a few things I hadn’t read in other places. What about binders to help remove the toxins to avoid the side effects from die off? Is that necessary with diatomaceous earth or castor oil?

    1. hi! Great to hear the info is helpful. Yes, since this was written i’ve also put together a step by step guide on how to comprehensively and systemically address parasites and rebalance the system to make our bodies less hospitable to parasites overall in the long run. Here is the step by step guide including links to everything recommended on your first protocol–it includes binders in step 2 🙂

      Additionally, here is an explanation of the 3 steps and why they are all important for sustainable results & long term healing:

      I hope that is helpful. Please reach out to the listed google voice text # with any questions or to discuss this further!

  2. Can one just take straight castor oil, not frozen or in gel caps? Like can I mix it in warm water and drink? If so, how much at a time and how often? Thank you!

    1. Hi Sarah! Yes, you can take liquid castor oil but it works differently. Sometimes I take it both ways to get the benefits of both forms. If you take it liquid, just be sure to stay near a bathroom for about an hour after you take it. it’s a good laxative and it is antiparasitic so i think it’s great to take it both ways 🙂

    1. Hi Susan! If the castor oil is frozen you should not need to be close to a bathroom, but if it is NOT frozen, have access to a bathroom for an hour or so after taking it.

      1. I have rheumatoid arthritis, severe psoriasis with every symptom on the list. I was taking otezla and antidepressants but it seemed to make my symptoms worse. Is there anything specific i can do it to make this process successful??

        1. Hi Kintra, I’m sorry to hear you have been suffering so much. Could we chat? That way I could ask a few more questions and give you all of the suggestions I believe can help. I do believe there is healing for you, it’s just a matter of making the process as smooth and successful as possible. Please text me at my google voice number and we can discuss it: ‪(802) 227-7051‬

    1. hi Nicole! Ideally wait about an hour before eating or drinking anything, and I try not to drink too much water with the frozen capsules as well for best results. I hope that helps!

      1. Thank you it does! Just was wondering as well if this is something you do every month for the rest of your life as a maintenance so to keep parasites under control? Thanks Leah

        1. Hi! Apologies–i didn’t see the notification for this comment! I don’t do this every month, probably average about once a quarter, and i rotate different anti-parasitics each time, sometimes mixing/matching several during one cleanse. I am hosting a group cleanse during the full moon on facebook in the group The Truth About Parasites: How we heal if you would like to join in! I’ve also been doing a reels series on different anti-parasitics i’ve used and how i have used them. Feel free to follow along or join the group!

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