I am a sucker for natural products. Anything that claims to use the power of nature to work wonders on my skin, my hair, my body, or my overall health has me entranced, and I have to try it.
Hair History
For years, I bounced from shampoo to shampoo, looking for natural products that would make my hair healthy, shiny, thick, smooth and manageable. I tried everything I could find: online, at the health food stores, and even in salons. Nothing ever worked for me: my hair was thin, fine, frizzy, flat, weak and pathetic. It was very frustrating.
About two years ago I found a product that transformed my hair: it is now thicker, longer, healthier, shinier, smoother and so much more manageable than ever before. My shedding is down 80% and my hair is 2-3x thicker than it’s ever been. It would never grow past my shoulders and now it’s half-way down my back. It’s just overall better.
That doesn’t stop me from seeing ads for other products that come out, however.
I’ve been eyeing this WOW Apple Cider Vinegar Shampoo by Skin Science for awhile: the ads are everywhere and they look really good! I’ve even had a couple of friends say they love it.
Apple Cider Vinegar is making people’s hair thicker, shinier, longer, healthier! It’s getting rid of dandruff and build up! (Basically everything my current shampoo has done for me. But this one looks like it might be cheaper, and what if…?)
So when I was offered the chance to try it, I thought this would be a great time to compare it with my current routine.
Full disclosure: I love my current hair products. They have done wonders for my hair. I don’t think I’ll ever switch. But if I found something I liked better, that was just as natural and cost less, I absolutely would switch. And I would promote that shampoo instead of the one I have been talking about.
So let’s see how this one shakes out. I will try not to compare too much with what I’m using, but I’ve been using it for almost 2 years, so some comparison is inevitable: I am used to my hair being the way it is, so I have to compare my experience here with that.
Let’s see how it goes!
First Impressions
- Large Bottles, Low Price
My first impression is that at first glance it appears to be very affordable. The bottles are 16.9 ounces and I paid $29.99 for a shampoo and conditioner set (they’re about $20 each if purchased separately on Amazon).
Over the past couple of years I have realized that fluid ounces of hair product + price is not always the most accurate indication of value. Most shampoos I’ve looked at are heavily diluted, so it’s necessary to use an entire handful to get a good lather on my head. If that’s the case, 16.9 ounces may not last as long as it looks. If I’m using almost an ounce of product for each wash, it will last me less than 20 washes.
2. The Ingredients
I also had to look at the ingredients. I have become somewhat of a shampoo ingredient guru over the past 20 months with countless hours of research under my belt, and I can recognize the main offenders of toxicity and build-up in hair care products pretty quickly.
I noticed the claims of WOW Apple Cider Vinegar Shampoo by Skin Science (from the official Amazon store):
- BEAUTIFUL, STRONG HAIR: WOW Apple Cider Vinegar Shampoo is able to balance the pH level that closely resembles human hair to help obtain the silkiest, softest, glossiest hair. Use twice a week to be less prone to breakage, split ends, and thinning hair.
- CLARIFYING CLEANSER: Detox your hair & scalp – cleaning the buildups caused by dirt, dust, filth, dead scalp cells and styling product. Raw apple cider vinegar ensures removal of toxin in damaged hair. Helps rejuvenate & refresh for men and women.
- MAXIMIZE HAIR SHINE: Improve your hair cleansing routine with our deep cleaning shampoo to get the best results possible. You’ll reduce dandruff, flakes, and frizz while enhancing shine and gloss to your hair. Get the best hair nourishment available.
- SLOW DOWN HAIR LOSS: Saw palmetto helps slow down hair fall and male pattern baldness, reducing the amount of hair strands falling during a shower. With a little patience, your hair will have more volume and will feel softer, thicker and natural.
- NATURAL INGREDIENTS: Our WOW Apple Cider Vinegar Shampoo is hypoallergenic, sulfate and paraben free for moisturized and hydrated hair. Massage scalp and stimulate hair follicles to be less prone to breakage, split ends, and thinning hair. Cruelty Free.
Sounds pretty good! I did notice that there were no claims to not contain any PEGs or petroleum derivatives, silicones, waxes, gums, phthalates or harmful fragrances.
This distinction is important for a few reasons:
PEGs or Petroleum derivatives are the most toxic ingredients in most hair and body care products. All of the problematic ingredients: sulfates, parabens, phthalates, harmful fragrances, harsh sulfates and other toxic chemicals are most often derived from petroleum. If you see a guarantee that there is no petroleum or PEG (petroleum derivatives), pay attention!
Harmful fragrances (derived from PEGs) cause a lot of problems! Many people have become very sensitive to artificial fragrances and with just a passing exposure can have symptoms like migraines, dizziness, nausea, or worse! Even if you don’t have a fragrance sensitivity, these fragrances can cause hormone imbalance (endocrine disruption) and absorb into our bloodstream, causing more health issues over time (and sometimes building up to result in the fragrance allergies listed above).
Silicones, waxes and gums are not necessarily toxic, but they are deadly for your hair! These artificial (and sometimes even natural) ingredients build up on the hair strands and in the hair follicles. They are in most hair products for a reason: they make hair feel soft, silky and smooth by coating the hair strand with a waxy, plastic-like substance that glosses over the imperfections and damage of the hair cuticle. The problem with them is that they build up on the hair strands and on the scalp over time, causing issues like dry, brittle, frizzy hair, dandruff, oily scalp, and even hair thinning over time! That’s the opposite of what we want from our shampoo!
Phthalates, parabens and harsh sulfates are also commonly derived from petroleum (PEGs) and therefore carry the same health consequences listed above. I have seen some sulfates that can be derived from other sources, like coconuts (as in the case of Dr. Bronner’s Sal’s Suds), but for the most part, ingredients like SLS are toxic and will damage your health and your hair in the long run. Your best bet: find products completely free of PEGs or petroleum products of any kind.
Overall, Wow Apple Cider Shampoo and its accompanying Conditioner are not as bad as many mainstream products, but I was not impressed with them as a whole.
3. Where is it Made?
The bottle indicates WOW Apple Cider Shampoo and Conditioner by Skin Science are made in India. I do like that my current shampoo is formulated, manufactured, processed and shipped from start to finish on American soil. Not only is it a point of pride and provides jobs for American workers, it makes the products more Eco-friendly as well, cutting down on pollution from shipping and other environmental footprints.
4. Is it Eco-Friendly?
As it contains petroleum derivatives, that already makes it less than ideal from an ecological standpoint (as well as a health one). The bottles do have a “1” plastic recycle code, which means they are recyclable. Hooray! But the fact that they are less concentrated means they use more plastic than necessary, and more bottles need to be used and recycled than if it were more concentrated. So overall, not terribly impressed with the eco-footprint, especially combined with the fact that it is made in India and shipped to me across the world, containing mostly water.
Testing the Product
Without further ado, let’s see how the product works!
The First Wash
I followed the instructions on the bottle, which advise to use a “generous amount” of shampoo, lather on the scalp, and allow to sit on the scalp for up to 5 minutes for best results, then rinse and follow with conditioner.
In doing this I noticed I used 5-6 times as much product as I usually do to get a good lather on my scalp. It definitely is not nearly as concentrated as the products I have been using.
The Fragrance
The shampoo smells like apples, and the conditioner smells like coconuts.
But not like smelling an actual apple or coconut… more like smelling an apple or coconut candle. Very artificial fragrances. I am not chemically sensitive to most fragrances unless they are in my face and I’m breathing them in heavily for over an hour, but I can usually spot harmful artificial fragrances just by their overpowering, artificial-smelling scent. These products do not even claim to eliminate harmful fragrances, so it’s clear that the fragrances are not natural or safe.
My primary concern before using my current shampoo and something that is very important to me is shedding. Since I was a teenager I would shed handfuls of hair in the shower every time I washed, and then I would be shedding hairs all day long: every time I ran my fingers through my hair I would get 4 or 5 hairs. In order to prevent my hair covering everything, I made constant trips to the trash can to throw away the hairs that were inevitably in my hands every few minutes.

The shampoo I’ve been using for the past couple of years cut that shedding down by about 80%, which also has made my hair much thicker as it’s grown out without all of the constant fallout. I was very curious to see what happened when I used this shampoo, and a little bit worried because I don’t want to lose all that hair again after growing such a thick, healthy head of hair over the past 2 years!

In the first wash, I did experience about twice as much shedding as I usually do with my current shampoo. Not as bad as before, but still not exciting to me.
My hair type is fine and thin, so I have always had some issues with tangling and knotting, especially when my hair is damaged and I need a haircut. With my current shampoo regimen I almost never have any tangling. If i do have tangling (once every month or two) I use the detangling spray from our junior line and that takes care of it.

With Wow Apple Cider Vinegar Shampoo and their accompanying conditioner, my hair felt more coated than I am used to, and it was much more tangled. When using my wet brush to brush it out, I lost about the same amount of hair I had lost in the shower when I was washing!
To be honest, the shedding alone makes me hesitant to use this product again, but I want to use it at least a few times for a fair review.
My main requirements are low shedding, no frizz, manageable, thick, healthy hair with shine and volume, that will grow past my shoulders. Of course I don’t want to add build up to my hair if i don’t have to either.
Knowing the detriment of buildup to my hair health, why would I?
For the purposes of review, I did everything the same as I normally do it with my hair: I most often air dry by twisting my hair up into a bun and allowing it to dry in loose curls that way. So that is what I’m doing with WOW Apple Cider Vinegar Shampoo and Conditioner by Skin Science.
Here are my results:
- Shedding. As I discussed above, the shedding has quadrupled in just one wash. Not loving it.
- Frizz: More frizz than normal, but not terrible. Definitely not as bad as before I started using my current products.
- Manageable: Slightly less manageable overall. My hair felt coated and heavy and didn’t “fall” in the effortless way I am used to. I found myself brushing it every few minutes to try to get it to lay down and look decent. Finally I gave up and pulled it into a pony tail. I can’t remember the last time I needed to do that before day 5 after washing.
- Thick: I’d have to use it for a good year to see the difference in how it grows out, but if the shedding is increased, my hair will not be thicker.
- Healthy: My hair is already healthy, as it’s been growing out with my current products for almost 2 years, and getting better and better with time. It will probably take a year or more of exclusive use to see if there is a real difference.
- Shine: I didn’t notice any difference in shine compared with my current routine.
- Volume: Volume was decent in the first wash.
- Growth: Again, impossible to say for sure unless I use it for a long time.
Overall, on day 2 (the day after my wash) my hair felt heavy and coated. I was surprised that it didn’t look terrible, but it didn’t feel good either. It was a little more frizzy and less manageable than I am used to, and the artificial fragrance lingered and was nauseating after a while.
WOW Apple Cider Vinegar Shampoo by Skin Science promises to remove buildup and resolve scalp itchiness and dandruff… yet, my hair and scalp felt coated and less clean, and my scalp itched a little bit (it usually doesn’t itch at all). So that is a concern with continued use as well, because buildup can have that effect.
Cost Analysis
I had to use a full handful of this product to get a lather all over my scalp. I would say I used at least an ounce of product, but to be fair, let’s say I will get about 20 uses out of this bottle, which means it will last me about 10 weeks if I wash my hair twice per week. 2.5 months for a bottle of shampoo that cost me $15 comes out to $12 per month for both shampoo and conditioner, or $1.50 per wash. Not a bad value!
Also a lot more expensive than what I am currently using and what is giving me much better results. The first bottle of my current product lasted me more than 10 months… roughly 4-5 times the 10 weeks this may last if I can stretch out washes to twice a week (doubtful since I already want to wash my hair on day 2).
Even with a lower cost per bottle, this still makes WOW Apple Cider Vinegar 2-3 times the cost of what I am using now.
Given my current experience and how it compares to my regular shampoo in terms of cost, safety of ingredients and results achieved, there is little chance I would ever use this product long enough to see what happens with continued use.
I will probably use it one more time, for the sake of a reasonable test period, but I really don’t want to. I will probably have to wash sooner than the 4th or 5th day (the soonest I usually have to wash with my current routine), which will be an added cost of time and money (if I’m washing more often than twice a week as I do now, the bottles will not last even the projected 10 weeks, which is much shorter than I’m used to already).
Side Note: My Skin
Another thing… when my hair feels dirty and oily, it makes my skin feel oily and dirty too, which for me usually results in breakouts. As another uncomfortable side effect of using this… definitely not persuading me to continue.
I stated from the beginning that I love the hair products I’m using now, but after using them for almost two years, I thought it would be fun to try something else that claims to do the same things, and might be cheaper.
My conclusions for this test of WOW Apple Cider Vinegar Shampoo and Conditioner by Skin Science are:
- It leaves my hair feeling heavy and oily
- I have slightly more frizz than I’m used to.
- My hair is noticeably less manageable than normal.
- Volume and shine seem about the same.
- I will need to wash more than my normal 1-2 times per week. It’s only the 2nd day and I already want to wash my hair because it doesn’t feel clean and it’s making my skin feel oily and clogged.
- It is much more expensive than what I am currently using because it is much less concentrated and I will have to wash quite a bit more often. At most, if i wash 2 times per week, these bottles will last me 10 weeks. My first bottle of what I am using now lasted me more than 10 months, 4-5 times longer. Even at retail price, my current products are half the price of these and give me much better results. At the wholesale price I pay, WOW Apple Cider Vinegar Shampoo and Conditioner by Skin Science are about four times the cost of what I am using now.
- The ingredients of WOW Apple Cider Vinegar Shampoo and Conditioner by Skin Science are not as clean as the products I am using now. They use toxic PEG (petroleum derivatives), harmful artificial fragrances, and ingredients that build up on the scalp and hair cuticles. After almost two years of researching the ingredients in hair products, these do not impress me, especially for something that claims to be all natural and pure.
Bottom Line: While WOW Apple Cider Vinegar Shampoo and Conditioner by Skin Science is less toxic than most mainstream brands of hair care, it does not match up to my current hair care on any level: not in terms of cost, performance or toxicity.
Want to know what I’m using instead? Check out this review.
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Many of the product links in this post are affiliate links, which means I will receive a small commission from any purchase. I only recommend products that I love and this is at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting our mission with your clicks!
Hi there, I got this WOW shampoo and conditioner, heard so much good things about this. So I wanted to give it a try. I have really long hair. Was not impressed at all. The shampoo didn’t sit right in my hair, the conditioner left my hair yucky, dry, matted. Was so hard to brush out. Took chunks of my hair out. Have used it 4 different times, thinking it going to be different this time. But it’s not, very very unhappy with this product. Expensive too.
I agree! I was not impressed at all. I went in expecting better, but I did not get good results from this brand, and I’m hearing from others who had a similar experience.
I was also unimpressed with the ingredients, as they advertise as a more natural brand.
I originally purchased this product in September of 2019 at the time I ordered one set of the Apple Cider Vinegar Shampoo and Conditioner. Since it states it’s all natural I figured let me give it a go. I wash my hair 1 to 2 times per week so the product lasted me until February in which I ordered 3 more sets due to the discounts. I’m still on the first set of the second order and have two unused sets. Since I did go to the salon and dye my hair during that time I figured it was the chemicals from the dye causing my hair to dry out. I continued using the shampoo and conditioner up until last week when I finally decided to stop using this product, because my hair was getting worse instead of better. I now have extreme dry patches through out my hair due to this product. I have not used any other products in my hair besides a deep conditioner. Even using the deep conditioner it has not restored the dry patches. I called WOW just to return the remaining two bottles I have as that is $70 worth of product, I am aware it is past the 60 day money back however it took longer than 60 days for me to realize it was their product causing damage to my hair. I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS PRODUCT TO ANYONE. I did call their customer service to try and get some of my money back how ever the manager stated she would not and now I’m literally trowing $70 down the drain. Steer clear of this product. 60 days is not enough time for your hair to realize the damage caused unless you wash your hair on a daily basis. Save yourself the headache and damage do not buy their products.
Hi Diana,
Thank you for sharing your experience with this product. It sounds like it is very much in line with my experience, though I did not use it as long as you did, because I could already see it wasn’t working well for me within the first few washes.
I am very sorry you have wasted money on the Wow Apple Cider products.
I have been struggling so long with similar issues you noted about your hair before finding your current favorite products. Could you tell me what they are? I’d love to try them out
Hi Rachel!
Yes, I have been using Monat shampoo for about two years now and I honestly don’t ever want to use anything else. My hair is thicker, longer, stronger and healthier than it has ever been, and I save money using it as well because it’s incredibly concentrated and lasts months and months for one bottle.
Here is a review I did on Monat haircare:
And here is how to get the best price possible:
Here is also a hair quiz that can help you to determine the best products for your specific needs:
I also love the skincare they make, so definitely check that out if you’re looking for something good (It also lasts foreverrrrr.. I’ve been using the same set for almost 8 months now without replenishing).
If you’d like to discuss this more, please contact me either by email or phone and we can discuss what might work best for you and how to get exactly what you need for the best price.
Email: leah@ freedomandcoffee. com (take out spaces in the email address when sending)
phone: (802) 227-7051 (text before calling because i get a lot of spam calls)
Hi! Thank you for this review! I’ve noticed that my hair is taliking out faster since I started using this shampoo and it’s greasy the same day as I washed it and the dandruff is worse. I thought maybe it was the stress, but I’m glad and sorry to see you had the same results. I am trying to find a dandruff shampoo that works similar to head and shoulders and with fewer chemicals. What shampoo conditioner combo do you use? I was starting to grow thicker hair when I was using head and shoulders and now it’s all gone.
Thank you for your help!
hi HD!
yes, i was not impressed with the results of this shampoo, especially compared to what i have been using for the past 2 years. It sounded good from their ads but did not perform as advertised.
From my understanding you can return the ACV shampoo within 30 or 60 days? So that may be an option if you are unhappy with it.
I have been using Monat hair care for the past 2+ years and I honestly don’t ever want to use anything else. My hair is thicker, longer, stronger and healthier than it has ever been in my life, and I save money using it as well because it’s incredibly concentrated and lasts months and months for one bottle.
The go-to Monat shampoo for dandruff is generally the “black” shampoo and conditioner (you can search that on the site but if you use the hair quiz link below it will probably recommend that to you if you specify that is an issue). The Black shampoo has peppermint oil in it, which is cooling and tingles when you let it sit, and it is also excellent for hair growth and regrowth. If you have longer hair, you will want to pair it with a conditioner as well (my favorites are the Intense repair conditioner and the leave in conditioner–I use both–the Intense repair in the shower, then the leave in when i get out).
Here is a review I did on Monat haircare:
And here is how to get the best price possible:
Here is also a hair quiz that can help you to determine the best products for your specific needs:
I also love the skincare they make, so definitely check that out if you’re looking for something good (It also lasts foreverrrrr.. I’ve been using the same set for almost 8 months now without replenishing).
If you’d like to discuss this more, please contact me either by email or phone and we can discuss what might work best for you and how to get exactly what you need for the best price.
Email: leah@ freedomandcoffee. com (take out spaces in the email address when sending)
phone: (802) 227-7051 (text before calling because i get a lot of spam calls)
Trying to contact you
Hi Debra!
You are welcome to reach out to me any time using my google voice number via text or phone call:
You may also email me directly at: (802) 227-7051
leah @ freedomandcoffee.com
(remove spaces from the email address before sending… i do that to avoid spam bots from emailing me 😉 )
What hair products are you using? I just ordered the wow before I read your test on it. Now I wish I wouldn’t have ordered. My hair is fine and I shed extreme everyday. I’ve been looking for the best shampoo and conditioner. I would love to know what has worked for you.
Thank you!!
Hi Lucinda!
Yes, shedding was also my biggest issue before I started using what I am using now. My hair type is also fine, thin and limp.
I have been using Monat shampoo for about two years now and I honestly don’t ever want to use anything else. My hair is thicker, longer, stronger and healthier than it has ever been, and I save money using it as well because it’s incredibly concentrated and lasts months and months for one bottle. There is also a money-back guarantee.
I began with the volume line (revive shampoo and revitalize conditioner) and it reduced my shedding by about 80% immediately. It doesn’t always do exactly the same thing for everyone, but that was my experience.
Here is a review I did on Monat haircare:
And here is how to get the best price possible:
Here is also a hair quiz that can help you to determine the best products for your specific needs:
I also love the skincare they make, so definitely check that out if you’re looking for something good (It also lasts foreverrrrr.. I’ve been using the same set for almost 8 months now without replenishing).
If you’d like to discuss this more, please contact me either by email or phone and we can discuss what might work best for you and how to get exactly what you need for the best price.
Email: leah@ freedomandcoffee. com (take out spaces in the email address when sending)
phone: (802) 227-7051 (text before calling because i get a lot of spam calls)
What products are you currently using?
Hi BB! Thank you for commenting.
I have been using Monat shampoo for about two years now and I honestly don’t ever want to use anything else. My hair is thicker, longer, stronger and healthier than it has ever been, and I save money using it as well because it’s incredibly concentrated and lasts months and months for one bottle.
Here is a review I did on Monat haircare:
And here is how to get the best price possible:
Here is also a hair quiz that can help you to determine the best products for your specific needs:
I also love the skincare they make, so definitely check that out if you’re looking for something good (It also lasts foreverrrrr.. I’ve been using the same set for almost 8 months now without replenishing).
If you’d like to discuss this more, please contact me either by email or phone and we can discuss what might work best for you and how to get exactly what you need for the best price.
Email: leah@ freedomandcoffee. com (take out spaces in the email address when sending)
phone: (802) 227-7051 (text before calling because i get a lot of spam calls)
Hi are you using Monat or are you selling Monat ? 🤔
I am using Monat and I am a market partner.
I’m wondering if you think that writing a blog and providing free value to people is a super lucrative business?
I spend hours putting valuable information together and don’t get paid for it. But I do need to make a living. Would you consider it wrong to recommend amazing products that I love and use myself and get a small commission for the work I’ve done? Do you work and get paid for the work that you’ve done?
I use Monat. Monat has transformed my hair and I don’t want to ever use anything else. I have seen hundreds of ads (and paid reviews) for the line considered in this post and I was very curious how it compared to Monat, which I had already been using and loving. Now I know how it compares. Monat is not only more affordable, it’s cleaner and works better.
I wouldn’t recommend Monat if I didn’t love it myself, as demonstrated in the hours and hours of research and work I’ve put into this post alone. So yes, if you purchase through links on my website (which I pay to run and don’t get paid to work on) I will receive a small commission. I hope that is a sufficient answer to your question.
Hi BB!
Thank you for your comment!
I have used Monat shampoo for more than two years now and I honestly don’t ever want to use anything else.
My hair is now stronger, longer, thicker and healthier than it ever was before, and I am honestly also saving a lot of money using Monat.
Monat is very concentrated and a bottle lasts many months for me, washing 1-2x per week.
Monat also offers a 30 day empty-bottle money-back guarantee.
This is my review of Monat haircare:
This is how you can get the best price possible:
This is a hair quiz to help you to determine the best Monat products for your needs:
I also love the skincare they make, so definitely check that out if you’re looking for something good (It also lasts foreverrrrr.. I’ve been using the same set for almost 9 months now and I am just getting ready to replenish some of it).
Please feel free to contact me by email or phone (text or call) and I would be happy to discuss what could work best for you. I can also help you get exactly what you need for the best price.
Email: leah@ freedomandcoffee.com (take out spaces in the email address when sending)
phone: (802) 227-7051 (text before calling because i get a lot of spam calls)