If you suffer from depression or anxiety, you may have wondered if it can be healed naturally.
Fortunately it can!
The latest research on brain health has revealed that the health of our digestive systems (our “guts”) and the health of our brains (and by extension our mental health) is inextricably linked.
The Vagus Nerve
Did you know there is a group of nerves that connect the brain directly to the gut?
This link, called the vagus nerve, is like a 2-way superhighway that keeps the gut and the brain in constant communication.
Because, as research is showing, up to 95% of the serotonin, as well as at least 60% of dopamine and other neurotransmitters are produced in the gut.
You may know that medications for depression and other mental illness often recycle the serotonin in our bodies (when there isn’t enough) so the brain can re-use it.
This is necessary when our bodies don’t make enough serotonin, or when the communication between the brain and the gut (where almost all of the serotonin is made) is interrupted.
When our brains don’t get enough serotonin (and other neurotransmitters) from our guts, mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, dementia, insomnia, migraines, overall irritability, and psychiatric disorders can result.
Pharmaceutical meds not only don’t heal you or “fix” the issue of not producing enough serotonin, they often come with a plethora of unpleasant side effects, from overwhelming fatigue to weight gain to stomach and digestive complaints. Not only that, long term use of anti-depressants and other psychotropic medications can cause an imbalance in brain chemistry long term, so you become dependent on the drugs.
Additionally, despite the fact that drug manufacturers have known since the introduction of anti-depressants that they commonly cause suicidal tendencies in teens and young adults, they are commonly prescribed to these age groups.
Question: Do you take medicine so you can heal or to manage symptoms and take the medicine forever?
If natural healing was possible without side effects, would you consider it?
The Importance of Healing the Gut
In America today, approximately 80% of the pharmaceuticals sold (both prescription and over-the-counter) are for a digestive complaint like IBS, indigestion, nausea or other digestive issue.
And you may not have connected the two, but the latest research is showing that a mental wellness issue like depression or anxiety is almost always accompanied by a digestive complaint of some sort.
When you realize how common it is for these two to be happening at the same time, you start to see how gut health and brain health are necessarily connected.
Connecting the Dots
Gut health has always fascinated me, and I’ve been following the research around gut health and how it affects overall health for over a decade.
We have known for a few years that there is a strong connection between the gut and the brain, but until recently we didn’t understand how intimate that connection was or how exactly the gut affected the brain.
With new research coming out every day, science is discovering that there are specific microbiota in the gut that produce the neurotransmitters the brain relies on for healthy function.
For the brain to be healthy, it needs those neurotransmitters produced in the gut by specific gut bacteria, so we need to have those gut bacteria present and have a good, healthy colonization of them in our guts… or we won’t have the neurotransmitters we need, and mental wellness issues will arise.
Not only do we need a gut filled with a healthy population of those specific neurotransmitter-producing microbiota, we need a healthy vagus nerve so those neurotransmitters can be ferried directly to our brains when we need them (for example, when we want to sleep at night).
So the first step to a healthy brain and the best mental wellness possible is with a healthy gut—one filled with the right gut bacteria that will produce the neurotransmitters we need to be happy and healthy.
Stress and Trauma
You may be thinking: My gut is fine. I don’t need to heal my gut. My issues stem from trauma or stress in my life. The only way to resolve my mental illness is to deal with those emotional traumas.
Here’s the thing: Everyone has stress. Everyone has been hurt. Everyone has some emotional trauma. Granted, some peoples’ trauma are worse than others.
But why are some of us better at dealing with those trauma and stresses than others?
Can you think of a time when you didn’t feel sad?
When the tiniest annoyances didn’t set you off, and minor insults just rolled off your back?
When you could eat anything you wanted without digestive issues?
When frequent migraines were not an issue for you?
When you fell asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow and you woke up every morning feeling well-rested?
When stress helped you to thrive instead of break down?
There is a way to handle stress and emotional trauma without years of counseling (counseling may be needed too… but if your neurotransmitters aren’t firing you’ll still need to heal your gut to fully recover even with counseling… or take meds to manage your symptoms).
How Did My Gut Become Imbalanced?
When we are born, our guts are sterile: we are inoculated with good gut bacteria from our mothers as we pass through the birth canal.
But what happens if mom didn’t have the right gut bacteria that will produce serotonin and other neurotransmitters?
What if you were born via C-section?
What if you were given several rounds of antibiotics early in life?
All of these factors can play a role in how many of those good bacteria you have in your gut. And remember, if you don’t have them, your body can’t produce serotonin and other neurotransmitters you need to have great mental health.
The gut can become imbalanced later in life as well, as the result of:
Environmental pollution
Contaminants in our food and water supply
Herbicides and pesticides sprayed on our produce
Pharmaceutical medications (especially antibiotics)
Radiation from electronic devices, cell phones, Wi-Fi signals and other sources
And a depleted gut micro-biome can result in all kinds of issues:
- Digestive complaints
Metabolic syndromes
- Hormonal imbalance
- Adrenal issues
- Brain fog
- Poor focus
- Low Energy
- Weight gain
- Insomnia
- Migraines
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- Poor stress management
- Symptoms of autism
- Memory loss
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Thyroid issues
- Food allergies
- Seasonal and pet allergies
- Skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, rashes….
…..literally everything.
And when you think about it, it makes sense: our guts make up most of the one line that goes from the entrance of our bodies (the mouth) to the exit. Everything we put in our bodies goes through this pathway. So it logically follows that this pathway is critical to every bodily system and process.
If your gut is unhealthy, you will also be unable to properly assimilate nutrients from food or supplements—so just changing your diet or taking supplements may not be very effective until the gut is truly healed.
Got more questions? Text WELLNESS to me at (802) 227-7051!
How do Genes Factor In?
Many people tell me that mental illness runs in their families.
Pulling the genetics card is tricky, because it leads people to believe that there is nothing that can be done. If you have suffered from depression for as long as you can remember, you may not think of it as something that can be “healed.” You may believe it is a part of who you are.
Nothing is further from the truth. Your mental health struggles do not define you, and they can be healed.
As mentioned above, our guts are sterile when we are in the womb, and we rely on our mothers’ micro-biome to inoculate us and fill our guts with all of the good gut bacteria. But if her micro-biome is imbalanced (and she has those mental health or digestive symptoms to prove it), then won’t yours be imbalanced just like hers?
Additionally, recent research has also found that heavy metals can be passed down from both parents to children…so heavy metal detox may be an additional area of consideration as well.
How do I Heal My Gut to Achieve Mental Wellness?
You may be wondering: if changing my diet or taking supplements can’t heal my gut and resolve my issues, then how can I heal it naturally?
You can do it with a good gut healing protocol designed specifically to address your issues and heal you from the root cause, so you don’t have to rely on meds for the rest of your life or suffer in agony.
Got more questions? Text WELLNESS to me at (802) 227-7051!
There are a few things I love about the gut healing protocol by Amare:
- The research, science and clinical trials behind their formulations is extensive. They have taken a science-based approach and used proven natural ingredients that WORK.
- The ingredients are natural, food and herb based, and fully methylated (so if you have the MTHR gene mutation or other concerns, there are no worries about synthetic components)!
- The money back guarantee is insane. Customers have a full year to use Amare products and return them for a full refund of the purchase price if they don’t work for them. A YEAR!!
- There is an Amare Facebook group for people to post their own testimonies and results, and they are incredible! People healing and dropping meds for everything from IBS to skin conditions (eczema, psoriasis) to depression and anxiety to thyroid health and weight loss. The gut truly is the root of everything! (Message me if you’d like an invite to that group to see the amazing testimonies)!
- My personal results. I’ve tried a lot of probiotics, and usually don’t discern any results. With Amare I’ve noticed great, clean energy, clear focus, no crash in the afternoon, boosted immunity (I haven’t gotten sick and fight everything off with ease!), less bloating, a slimmer figure, and just overall improved mental and overall health. It’s hard to put a price tag on just feeling better.
- The chance to share natural, life-changing information with people to improve their health, and their lives. Amare has a great customer referral program: when you tell others about how Amare has helped you, you get free products! Or build a residual income stream from anywhere!
If you have more questions or want to discuss your situation, text me any time at (802) 227-7051!
The great thing about healing your gut is that most of us know we need to do that anyway.
If you can improve your mental wellness and heal your gut (thereby improving your overall health and any other health or digestive complaints you may have)—why wouldn’t you do both at the same time?
I spent years following gut health research and trying every probiotic I could find, and honestly none of them did very much for me…. but this one has gotten me results.
This protocol is the first one I have ever seen to specifically, reliably target brain health and mental wellness by healing the gut. And it’s helping thousands of people. (There is an entire Facebook group dedicated to people sharing their testimonies with it. Message me and I can invite you to the group to see for yourself).
Right now the science on the gut (and the gut-brain connection specifically) is exploding. There are new studies coming out every day, showing how intimately the gut is tied to every area and system of the body, and even pinpointing the specific microbiota that influence those different systems.
From brain (mental) health to hormone balance, from digestive issues to thyroid and adrenal health, the gut is the root of everything.
A doctor I follow said,
“Heal your gut and your gut will heal you.” –Dr. Nuzum
And it’s true! The gut is the root of everything.
When you think about it, it makes sense: the gut makes up the one line that goes from the entrance to our bodies (mouth) to the exit… and it’s what all input must pass through.
So if our guts are unhealthy we can’t absorb nutrients from food or supplements, we develop food and other allergies, and every system of our bodies are affected!
Our bodies are a whole, and the health of one part affects the health of all the others. This is true nowhere as much as the gut.
Heal your gut and your gut will heal you.
If you have more questions or want to discuss your situation, text me any time at (802) 227-7051!
Other Resources
Mental Wellness, Naturally: How to Heal Your Mind By Healing Your Gut
How is Your Mental Health? Take a Mental Wellness Quiz
AHDH, Autism, Sleep, Mood, Migraine Solution for KIDS: Heal the Gut
Antidepressant meds cause increased risk of suicide
The root of depression is in the health of your gut
The Connection between Depression, Anxiety, and Digestive Issues
Difficulty Dropping Meds and Antidepressant Dependence
ADHD Meds can increase risk of psychosis
ABC News Report: There is a natural solution for ADHD without dangers or side effects
News Report: Behavioral Disorders and Gut Microbiome
News Report: Children’s behavior and ADHD tied to the gut
The Research: Gut-Brain Axis Clinical Trials
What is the Gut-Brain-HEART Axis?!
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Got more questions? Text me at (802) 227-7051!
Many of the product links in this post are affiliate links, which means I will receive a small commission from any purchase. I only recommend products that I love and this is at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting our mission with your clicks!
Really very informative. Can you share products you mentioned?
Hi! Yes, of course. This is the gut brain axis protocol mentioned. You can also use code 39519 for $10 off. Additionally, there is a kids version called the “kids pack” which is helpful for children dealing with these issues.
Hi there,
Very interesting read, thanks for all the very helpful information.
Any chance you can assist me please?
The main thing I want to look at healing is Chronic debilitating migraines.
Hi Vishani, thank you for your comment–i’m glad you are here and i’m glad to hear you have found the information helpful. if you’d like to discuss your specific situation and questions, please feel free to reach out to me via text at: (802) 227-7051
Would love to know more information and to get started.
Hi Francine, This is the gut-brain axis healing protocol i recommend and i’ve seen it help a lot of people. if you’d like to discuss your specific situation and questions, please feel free to reach out to me via text at: (802) 227-7051
What foods need to be eaten and wha ones need to be avoided?
What else do I need to heal my gut? Thanks 😊
Hi Maeve,
In general, processed foods, sugar and wheat products should usually be avoided. Eat organic, whole foods whenever possible. Avoid fast food and junk food, soda and liquid vegetable oils (corn, soy, canola, “vegetable” oils).
Better choices are good fats like coconut oil, butter, tallow and lard only if organic. Personally I eat meat and dairy sparingly and try to only eat organic meats and dairy.
Diet is foundational, so it will always be a big part of anything you do. If you can get ferments like kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut and other fermented foods into your diet often that is also ideal.
My favorite gut healing protocol is this one: https://www.myamareglobal.com/39519/en-us/fundamentals-pack
I like that it is simple and easy to use and it works for pretty much everyone who has tried it.
If you’d like to chat more about this or how to meet your specific needs, please feel free to text me at (802) 227-7051 and we can chat more 🙂 Have a great day, Maeve!
I am interested in prices. I’ve had problems with my stomach since March. I am trying different things.
Please send me information to my email address below.
Hi Kathleen!
I just sent you an email so we can discuss what issues you are having specifically and I can send you the most appropriate information. I look forward to speaking with you soon!
Hi I’m in the UK so not sure that texting you on your number will work, please could you message me or e mail me prices of the protocol, many thanks, poppy
Yes Poppy we can chat!
A lot of truth here. Thank you for explaining the relationship between gut and our brain. Definitely the natural is better and the consumption of drugs makes us sicker.
Thank you Aileen! I appreciate your input.
the relationship with the gut and the brain is indeed very fascinating! And i agree… taking pharmaceutical drugs does not heal us and will only cause more problems in the long run (and terrible side effects in the short run as well).
This is well explained! Thank you for taking your time to share this information. This is exactly my husband went through. Eating bad, thinking “I’ve been like this forever, I’m never going to change, this is who I am.”, and tons of trauma. BUT I am a witness that there IS HEALING for anxiety, paranoia, depression, suicidal thoughts, anger, and many other symptoms. Along with EMDR therapy and a gut-brain axis protocol, my husband has become the man I always knew he could be. He still has moments but its truly transforming… I mean, a life time of trauma can’t be healed over night, but I saw a difference in 2-3mths. Everything you said was on point!!! Thank you for your using your time wanting to help others!!! 💛
Thank you, Amy! I hope this information can help people who have been dealing with these issues a long time and have lost hope. Testimonies like your husband’s are really inspiring!