Allergies are more common (and more dangerous) than ever.
Seasonal Allergies
Pet Allergies
Food Allergies
Environmental Allergies
Allergic reactions can result in anything from an itchy rash to digestive upset to upper respiratory congestion to anaphylaxis (death in rare cases)!
In Springtime, or any time of the year, allergies can be a real problem for a growing number of people.
The list of things sensitive people need to avoid is growing longer by the day… animal dander? Grass or pollen? A certain type of food?
Lactose, gluten, corn, eggs, nuts… the list of allergens is endless these days!
Allergies used to be a temporary inconvenience but for many have become a way of life. Friends and family members are forced to plan their lives around the avoidance of these allergens, and restaurants and food manufacturers have responded by producing products that eliminate the most common allergens, and disclosing if a product contains potential allergens.
How did we get here?
The prevailing medical thought is that certain people “just have allergies,” and there isn’t much you can do about it, other than avoid the allergens or take allergy meds.
But I don’t believe that.
And fortunately it isn’t true.
It doesn’t even make sense, because many people develop allergies over time. For example, you may have not had allergies growing up but suddenly find yourself having seasonal allergies as an adult.
Or a food that you have always enjoyed may begin to bother you and now you can’t eat it any more.
It stands to reason: if you can develop an allergy, you can heal from it. You just need to get to the root of the issue and reverse the problem that caused it.
What Causes Allergies?
As with many of our “modern problems,” allergies have risen exponentially over the past few decades
But did you know ALLERGIES are a GUT issue?
There is a growing body of research over the past few years linking histamine intolerance and allergies in general to gut health and the balance of the gut microbiome.
What does that mean?
It’s good news because…you guessed: healing your gut can heal more than just digestive issues. It can help reverse your allergies too!
And as we have explored in other articles, healing your gut can do so much more: from resolving anxiety and depression to improving symptoms of autism spectrum (some have lost their diagnoses!) and beyond….even hormone balance and infertility!
We’ve talked about ADHD, anxiety, depression, focus, brain fog, thyroid, blood pressure, IBS, detox…. We’ve learned that gut health is ROOT CAUSE.
Now we know that gut health is also the root cause of allergies. And now we know that healing the gut can bring relief to all kinds of allergies as well!
Questions? Text “Allergies” to (802) 227-7051
Break it Down
My dad had severe seasonal allergies for 60 years.
He spent his life avoiding flowers and trying to find ways to alleviate his misery every springtime when the blooms and pollen overwhelmed him.
His seasonal allergies were so bad he couldn’t put a single flower on his lapel at my wedding.
He tried all of the natural advice:
- Eating local honey
- Bee Pollen
- High Dose Vitamin C
- Allergy meds
- Antihistamines
- Air Purifiers
All of these things helped some, but nothing resolved the issue completely, until….
Now he lives and works on a farm with no problem.
His allergies plagued him his whole life. He could have resigned himself to it and said that he was born with it, or it was genetic, or there was nothing he could do.
But he didn’t do that. He didn’t give up. And he found a natural solution in the most unlikely place. He healed his gut and healed his lifelong allergies along with it.
Questions? Text “Allergies” to (802) 227-7051
And how about me?

I grew up allergic to cats: my entire head would become congested within minutes of exposure to a cat or a house that had a cat living there.
After healing my gut cats don’t affect me at all.
It seems a little counter-intuitive that healing our guts can resolve something like allergies… but it does.
Because the gut is the root of everything. Read more about how the health and balance of the gut microbiome is foundational to everything.
Food Allergies and Sensitivities
Food allergies can be really scary. In recent years we’ve all heard about peanut allergies and how some children who are even incidentally exposed to peanuts or something that touched a peanut product could react severely (some can even die!).
There are so many foods that induce allergies these days. I have met people who have a list of only 3-5 foods they can ever eat because they are allergic to everything else.
Most people with a food allergy spend their lives avoiding that food and regretting it when they make a mistake or accidentally eat something they didn’t know had an allergen.
Other people don’t even know they are sensitive or allergic to a food… so they have unexplained symptoms and have no idea why.
If you suspect a food allergy you may go to a doctor to get an allergy panel done… but here’s why I don’t believe that is the best idea.
Instead, try an elimination diet: they are easy and free to do, and give more accurate results than testing anyway. Here’s a great book on how to do an incredibly accurate elimination diet so you know what is triggering your symptoms.
Even if you test negative for food allergies, those same foods can still be causing problems if you have a food sensitivity. Here’s how to tell the difference.
And the great news is: once you heal your gut, you can usually add back the offending food! That’s much better news than thinking you just have to avoid your favorite food for the rest of your life, isn’t it?
Questions? Text “Allergies” to (802) 227-7051
How do I Improve Gut Health?
For a long time I was reading the research about gut health and knew it was the answer, but I didn’t know how to improve gut health!
I tried dozens of probiotics, most of which did nothing for me.
No matter how much I paid, they were a waste of money.
Then a few months ago I found a protocol that is simple, whole food based and didn’t break the bank.
It is based on all of the latest research, has nothing synthetic or GMO, and it WORKS. There are thousands of testimonies on Facebook to prove it.
And it has a 100% money back guarantee for a YEAR.
So I figured I’d try it. Why not?

This protocol has helped people heal from everything from allergies to food sensitivities to depression to IBS, thyroid issues, adrenal fatigue and blood pressure.
This protocol works. Guaranteed.
Don’t suffer–you don’t have to! Start healing your gut now before the pollen counts skyrocket. You’ll be glad you did.
To learn more about the protocol I use, click here.
Learn more about the science behind the gut-brain axis.
To be invited to the group where people post their own experiences, text “invite me” to (802) 227-7051.
There is a natural solution for allergies. Get it now. You are worth it.
Questions? Text “Allergies” to (802) 227-7051
Resources for Further Study
Explore the many things gut healing can do: it is truly the root of our health!
See Stories of Healing: Autism, ADHD, Behavior, Mood, Anxiety, Mold, Digestive and More!
Are Allergies Actually a Gut Issue? (Study)
How (and why) to do an Elimination Diet
The Virgin Diet, by Dr. JJ Virgin
The Science Behind the Gut-Brain Axis Healing Protocol.
The Natural Solution to Improve your Gut Health and target allergies.
Heal Your Gut Now with This Simple Protocol
Questions? Text “Allergies” to (802) 227-7051
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